Dropbox Data Request

You will receive an invite to a Wellsway Management Dropbox Folder.

Please upload the available listed documents into the Dropbox folder as soon as they are available.

PMS Reports:

  1. Rent Roll
  2. Ledgers (at the close of the day of last entries)
  3. All unit Report Availability
  4. Delinquency Report
  5. List of any down units
  6. List of outstanding Work Orders
  7. Primary source evaluation
  8. Provide a copy of the current lease and addendums.
  9. Provide a copy of resident selection criteria (income requirements or restrictions).

Accounting Reports:

  1. Operating Statement (current month)
  2. Trailing 12 Operating Statement
  3. Current Budget in Excel
  4. Security Deposit Report
  5. Trial balance in Excel

Utilities/Vendors Data:

  1. List of utility companies, meter #s, contact info
  2. Copies of contracts
  3. List of vendors, addresses, and contact information 19.
  4. Map of water shut-offs for each building.


  1. Current Market Survey
  2. Report showing YTD traffic and sources, and closing ratios
  3. Digital and print copies of all ads, brochures, floor plans, business cards, flyers and other outreach materials.

Compliance (Affordable and HUD):

  1. Current utilities allowances
  2. Tax credit application, LURA, 8609s
  3. Bond regulatory agreement and copies of completed bond reports 26. State approval for non-revenue units
  4. Historical annual owners certifications
  5. Any 8823s issued for the property
  6. Historical state audit reports
  7. HAP Agreement
  8. Rent Schedule