Dropbox Data Request
You will receive an invite to a Wellsway Management Dropbox Folder.
Please upload the available listed documents into the Dropbox folder as soon as they are available.
PMS Reports:
- Rent Roll
- Ledgers (at the close of the day of last entries)
- All unit Report Availability
- Delinquency Report
- List of any down units
- List of outstanding Work Orders
- Primary source evaluation
- Provide a copy of the current lease and addendums.
- Provide a copy of resident selection criteria (income requirements or restrictions).
Accounting Reports:
- Operating Statement (current month)
- Trailing 12 Operating Statement
- Current Budget in Excel
- Security Deposit Report
- Trial balance in Excel
Utilities/Vendors Data:
- List of utility companies, meter #s, contact info
- Copies of contracts
- List of vendors, addresses, and contact information 19.
- Map of water shut-offs for each building.
- Current Market Survey
- Report showing YTD traffic and sources, and closing ratios
- Digital and print copies of all ads, brochures, floor plans, business cards, flyers and other outreach materials.
Compliance (Affordable and HUD):
- Current utilities allowances
- Tax credit application, LURA, 8609s
- Bond regulatory agreement and copies of completed bond reports 26. State approval for non-revenue units
- Historical annual owners certifications
- Any 8823s issued for the property
- Historical state audit reports
- HAP Agreement
- Rent Schedule